Centering Community History in Data Collection and Vacant Land Reuse
Date & Time
Thursday, September 8, 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

In cities where disinvestment and oppressive, racist policy has led to large inventories of vacant land, we must ask an important question: How can we turn residents’ stories and experiences into data that informs equitable land reuse? Good data on vacant land is essential to creating an equitable land recycling system rooted in antiracism and environmental justice. When determining the highest and best end use of a vacant parcel, we must weigh the community’s history of redlining, targeted disinvestment, and gentrification. In this session, speakers from Grounded Strategies in Pittsburgh will share how to unpack, reconcile, and operationalize data to prioritize resident voices in vacant land reuse. Attendees will learn how to create new scales and typologies of data collection that are powered by resident and community knowledge around parcel history and site conditions, and how to transform these into creative, community-driven solutions to vacant land.
Session Type
Breakout Session